Canon pixma ip3000 ink
Canon pixma ip3000 ink

canon pixma ip3000 ink

It is a generally understood principle that companies can offer lower prices online due the lower costs incurred in providing an online shopping experience. In-store pricing will usually be higher compared to prices quoted on this website due in part to the value-added service provided in-store and the additional costs incurred by the store while providing those value-added services. In-store pricing and availability will differ from Island Ink-Jet online sites. We make every effort to keep our online prices competitive with the online marketplace.

canon pixma ip3000 ink

Prices quoted on this website including any discounts found are available only when ordering online. Returns are hassle-free with no return shipping cost on defective products.


Our in-house printer ink and toner cartridges offer industry-leading quality and are ISO 9001 certified. We ship out of distribution centres located on the east coast, west coast and a few in between using the best couriers such as FedEx and Purolator, thus ensuring that most orders ship same day and can be delivered the next business day. Shipping is free on printer cartridge orders of $49 or greater. Much like how we pioneered the retail ink refill service, we are pioneering how online sales contribute to the local economy. No competitor can offer the same degree of localized support, sales and service as we can. When you order online at Island Ink-Jet you are supporting the locally owned businesses and economy in your community through our profit sharing model and you in turn receive localized support from those businesses.

canon pixma ip3000 ink

What truly sets us apart from other retailers and especially online stores is that our physical stores are Licensed & independently owned and operated by small business owners in your community.

Canon pixma ip3000 ink